The Ultimate eCRF Design Guide

A free resource for getting better data, faster, from your clinical sites and study participants.

“It’s just a form. What’s to know?”

If you’re new to clinical data management, that question is understandable. You’ve never had any trouble building surveys online, after all. You asked for numbers, and got numbers. Solicited preferences, got preferences. What difference should it make now that the data you need is medical?

Experienced clinical data managers know the answer all too well. Data that concerns the safety and efficacy of a treatment, or that’s meant to describe the course of a disease, is the informational equivalent of dynamite. Handled properly, it can open new avenues. Handled improperly, it can lead to disaster. In any case, how we collect this data is heavily regulated.

Don’t let your efforts to capture better data, faster, end in an explosion. We’ve produced this guide to help you build forms that will:

  • deliver the highest quality data
  • speed time to capture
  • enable the widest possible integration
  • facilitate robust and rapid analysis
  • make regulatory submissions smoother

There are tools for the newcomer and veteran within these pages, so register for free now, and be sure to subscribe to updates.


  • Anatomy of a Form
    What’s in a form? More than meets the eye. Know your group from your item, and your item from your label.
    Question Types (and when to use them)
    Questions types (sometimes called item types) are the kinds of input you expect for a particular piece of information: text, an integer, a decimal number, one or more choices from a defined list, etc. Certain data needs call for certain types.
    Calculations and Scores
    Web-based forms are ideally suited to make instant and accurate calculations on the fly, from unit conversions to complex clinical scores based on medical history. Learn how to let your form “do the math.”
    Skip Logic
    Also called conditional logic or branching logic, skip logic means that the phrase “if applicable” never needs to appear in your form. Score one for efficiency and usability.
  • Edit Checks

    Uh oh. Something’s gone wrong. Edit checks (and their hip, younger brothers, real-time edit checks) flag out-of-range and nonsensical data automatically, for early or even immediate correction. Learn how to deploy these guards against error.

    Data Standard
    Silos are meant for farms, not data. Standards provide a common language (syntax and semantics) for combining datasets originating from different sources. Learn how to make your data ready for integration with the wider world.
    Putting the user first
    You’ve got the tools. Now it’s time to build the house. These resources will show you how to combine functionality and layout to create forms your end users will want to live in!
  • Get full access now.

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