The Best of 2024: EHR eSource Integration Tops the List-banner
Clinical Trial Technology

EHR to EDC eSource Integration Tops the List

The Best of 2024

Nearly eight months into 2024, it’s clear the OpenClinica community is most interested in reading about EHR to EDC eSource integration. Our most popular blog this year is 2024: The Year of EHR eSource in Clinical Trials. In the blog, we detail the 10 reasons to prioritize EHR to EDC integration, including:

  • #4: The evolution of FHIR changes everything
  • #8: EHR eSource benefits sponsors and sites
  • #9: EHR eSource implementation has been simplified

Want to know all the reasons clinical trials are focusing on eSource in 2024? Read the blog.

Another favorite is EHR to EDC Integration: Get the Data 15 Times Faster. In this blog, OpenClinica’s Co-Founder and CEO Cal Collins writes about his interview with Allison Proffitt, Editor of Clinical Research News. One of Proffitt’s most insightful questions was whether EHR eSource can improve the work and job satisfaction of clinical research staff.

In short, yes.

EHR to EDC integration reduces burnout and increases employee satisfaction. To read Cal’s blog, click here.

Other popular eSource blogs are:

Most of this data already exists in the subject’s EHR but we wind up spending a lot of time to find that data and then copy it in the study’s EDC. Once we had that link established between the EDC and the EHR, I was able to enter an entire weekend’s worth of data completely and accurately within minutes.” ~ Clinical Research Coordinator

The Best of 2024: Oncology Trials

The third most-read blog of 2024 is How Different Are Oncology Clinical Trials. In this blog, our CEO writes about the five reasons oncology trials are more complex, including:

  • #2: Oncology clinical trial design and complexity
  • #4: Adverse event measures

Read the blog about oncology clinical trials here.

The Best of 2024: Patient Engagement

One of the top five blogs this year is Patient-Centered Trials Improve Recruitment and Retention. Another patient engagement favorite is Four Ways to Strengthen Patient Engagement in Clinical Trials.

The Best of 2024: Clinical Trial Technology

It’s not a blog, but OpenClinica’s eCRF Design Guide always tops the list of the most-read content on our website. This year, the most popular blogs about clinical trial technology are:

Each week, we publish a blog on the OpenClinica website. Check out what’s new here.

I highly recommend using our recently upgraded search functionality, which enables you to search for blogs by category. The categories are:

  • Clinical Data Management
  • Clinical Trial Technology
  • Community
  • eSource
  • Industry Trends
  • Oncology Trials
  • Patient Engagement
  • Standards & Regulation
  • Study Design
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