I’m excited to announce that the OpenClinica Rule Designer module is now freely available to all OpenClinica Community Edition users, and the source code is open to developers.

With this tool, users can more easily create powerful and advanced rules, driving productivity. With the upcoming release of rules-based event scheduling it is a great time to open up this valuable, time-tested tool.

Up until now, the Rule Designer has been available only to users of the OpenClinica Enterprise Edition. We are always looking to reduce hurdles to increasing the adoption, development, and innovation of OpenClinica, and being more open is almost always the best way to do this. Making the Rule Designer open source and freely available encourages feedback and contributions that make it better for everyone, and enables innovative re-use of parts of the code.

If you are an Enterprise Edition subscriber, nothing will change, and you’ll continue to have fully supported access to your Rule Designer backed by our Service Level Agreement.

OpenClinica is already a highly successful community project. Tens of thousands of community members use the technology and many share their innovations, create extensions, write documentation, help beginners, translate, and contribute code to the core software. Now developers interested in advanced study design capabilities can join the party, too!

Here are a few parts of the Rule Designer code that are worthy of note:

– Tree model of an OpenClinica study with 3 views – by CRF, by CRF Version, by Event Definition
– Drag-and-drop rule design functionality
– Use of the REST API to interact with OpenClinica core
– Use of OAuth to authenticate with OpenClinica to use the REST API

Get the source code on GitHub (LGPL license). Technical information on how Rule Designer works and interacts with OpenClinica is here.

There will be some great information about the Rule Designer and the new calendaring features at the upcoming OC14 conference. Long time OpenClinica expert Alicia Goodwin will facilitate a workshop on “Rules for Advanced Users,” providing a deep dive into OpenClinica Rules, a powerful mechanism for adding workflow, edit checks, and other capabilities to your OpenClinica study. She will also be showing the latest innovation of Rules-based calendaring features.
