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Clinical Trial Technology

OpenClinica EDC: Get a Peek Inside

Three reasons customers love us!

A surprising number of clinical trials take advantage of the opportunity to try our EDC system for clinical trials – and you can too. To start your free trial, click here and simply give us your name, organization, title and email address.

If you’re anything like me, you are the type who wants to know more about OpenClinica’s electronic data capture (EDC) for clinical trials before initiating a free trial. We’re happy to help.

For starters, you can watch a 10-minute demo I did of our EDC by clicking here.

What OpenClinica Customers Say About Our EDC

In the demo, I discuss the three reasons our customers say we’re the best EDC for clinical trials:

  1. Self-Service Enablement
    Most of our customers build their own studies, even particularly complex and very large ones. No specialized technical expertise is required to use OpenClinica tools, leading our customers to build significant capacity within their organizations while giving them more direct control and increased choice, all the while simultaneously reducing costs.
  2. Smart Forms
    At OpenClinica, we prioritize forms, believing they often have an outsize impact on the overall productivity of clinical trials. Our forms leverage pre-existing data and reduce administrative burden, helping clinical trials to engage more deeply with study participants and to avoid errors before they manifest in a clinical trial database. In short, OpenClinica forms are a dynamic application that helps to streamline workflows, conveys information and puts context in the research coordinators.
  3. Data Automation
    At OpenClinica, we’re on the leading edge of incorporating EHR (electronic health record) data into the EDC. Our system simply orchestrates multiple disparate data sources, whether that’s coming from ECOA, data from devices, real world and real time data, clean data, messy data, batch data and more.
    For example, we enable sites to auto-populate case report forms with pre-existing EHR data. That, in turn, reduces the data entry per participant, often from hours to seconds, dramatically cutting down on data entry errors, helping to eliminate SDV because of the use of eSource, and reducing the barriers and building a better bridge between care and research. Sites are able to spend more time with patients and less time on administration.

The demo also includes two views of how a clinical trial researcher uses the OpenClinica EDC – the addition of an adverse event and the review and analysis of a patient skin condition’s questionnaire – as well as the patient view on a mobile phone.

Some of my favorite views of the patient-facing side of our tool – all of which promote patient engagement – are:

Mobile preview of EDC-self-care-scale on screen for patient engagement

Mobile preview of EDC feature for patient engagement and convenience

Mobile friendly-EDC

To view the demo of OpenClinica’s EDC, click here.

To read a recent blog about EDCs authored by my co-founder and OpenClinica’s CEO Cal Collins, visit here!